My Indiana Home/ Breaking Ground

We sure can't afford professional landscapers, but fortunately some of our friends are master gardeners and willing to share not only their cuttings but their expertise. I'd like for people to feel welcome and like they are stepping back in time when they visit our old farm house. I've planted two Nikko Blue Hydrangea bushes at the front of the house which faces east and is shaded by trees, although not as much since my husband trimmed one of the biggies. Hopefully the Hydrangeas bushes will become really big and fluffy some day ... :) I also added some varieties of Bleeding Heart which I love. I'd love to get real woodland Dutchman's Breeches and Trillium for shady parts of the yard.

For now we'll see how these plantings prosper - and if the Nikko Blues are really going to be blue after I added the soil acidifier!