My Indiana Home/ Our "Shabby" Little Bathroom

This old house offers the tiniest of bathrooms. It was built before indoor bathrooms were common, so the owners had to carve out a place for modern amenities from the existing structure. But I'm very happy with this cute little bathroom, especially after we gutted it and replaced the fixtures before moving in last summer. We painted the room a creamy yellow to match the single piece tub/shower my husband and friend managed to somehow cram through the door. We ordered dainty art deco toilet and sink fixtures, white, from Jacuzzi, and put down a creamy yellow linoleum with sea shell outlines in it. There was no room for built in cabinets so I opted for a tower, some free-standing shelves, and two medicine cabinets and over the door hangers.

The former owner had gorgeous window treatments all over the house. I elected to keep her vintage curtains, even using them in some of my cabinets, where I had incomplete sets when some pieces came apart after laundering them.