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Gallery 3 - July 4


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Bren Bella 2009 - Hanna's Annual July 3 Neighborhood Cookout and Fireworks. Bren Bella is a 150 year old farm house at the entrance of a subdivision on Antebellum drive.

We dropped by the night before to see if Mike and Jacci wanted us to bring the mules. We ended up giving rides to families and neighbors around the subdivision. So the kids knew the mules were going to be at the July 3 cookout and they were ready. They had a bag of sliced apples and a little wagon with hay to feed them. Mike and Jacci appreciated us bringing the mules after spending the better part of a Monday evening in May helping us chase them down when they got loose.

Class Reunion

Feeding Kate and Annie

Whole Class

Feeding Kate and Annie

Boating on the Lake

First wagon ride

Together 12 years

Mike at the Grill


The 'kids' from Onton

Mike at the Grill

Lake Gazebo at Twilight

First wagon ride

Class of '63 in Gazebo

First wagon ride

First wagon ride

Next to last wagon ride

Next to last wagon ride

Benny gives driving lessons

Ready to watch the fireworks





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