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Gallery 9 - Self Portrait

Ever get tired of unflattering photos of yourself? A life-long brunette, I for one got tired of my hair dissappearing into the dark, no pupils for my eyes, and unflattering light, angle and poses, so finally, at age 52, I took matters into my own hands.

Sleeping Beauty or Snow White I'm not, but one can still work magic with mirrors! (Plus truth be known - I haven't had long hair since I was a little girl, so while waiting for spring to arrive and birds to birth and flowers to bloom and garden to grow and because sometimes what I have to accomplish in a day feels like dipping out a lake with a slotted spoon, I'm photographing the growing of my hair, hee hee! =:D)

For more fun why not visit The Mirror Project, a true adventure in reflective surfaces!


Please bear with me - I hope eventually to get the gallery images loaded into a database to be available at different resolutions via scripting and to make the gallery sizes more user friendly to load and to browse and just for the sake of learning how to do it, because it's a cool thing to do ;) - but for now, you know how that thing called life gets in the way ... ;)


Click on an image to see a bigger picture
Me n Arch
Me n Arch 2
Me n Arch 3
Just me
in her fathers image Me n Arch 4 Just me 3 Lori Ann's necklace set
a year later me me me
Helena Helena Helena in her grandmothers image
me me Mickey Mouse Ears? me
propriety profile sophisticated lady me
at last long hair! me me me
me spring flowers Drinkin' from My Saucer
poem from the internet,
author unknown,
midi rendition "Daddy's Hands"

Drinking' from my saucer
end of a long hard road
the right stuff?


me starting a new year
starting a new year starting a new year me me
me me me

Regardless of politics you gotta love the free, creative spirit of our people at the  site!

Christmas Tree Me Christmas Tree Me Christmas Tree Me by Guest Artist Christmas Tree Me
Christmas Tree Me Christmas Tree Me

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